The second thing we had to do was take the agility test. We were given a picture on how to do the agility test and our teacher told us how to set it up. This is the picture that was given to us...
The third thing we had to do was the 30 metre sprint, we went onto the tennis court and got ready to do the sprint in my group we had Jessica and well me. For this task one of us had to have a stop watch open on our chrome book and the other had to get ready to sprint. The person with the chrome book would go to the opposite end of the court. The person who was running would stay were they were. When the teacher said go the people that were doing the 30 metre sprint would run and the person with the stop watch would start the timer as soon as the sprinter got to were the person with the stopwatch was they would stop it and give the sprinter their time.
My resting heart rate was 80. The time it took me to complete the agility test was 16.3 seconds. Last of all the 30 metre sprint took me 17 seconds to complete.
The reason why we are learning this is to see if what they are teaching us is improving what we are doing.
I hope you enjoyed this blog post.