Hello fellow readers today I will be blogging about physical education class. This week for P.E we have been choosing a sport to learn about my group is Sticky Rice.
We chose to learn about the sport Softball, Softball is very complex. Our team is going okay at the moment. Something that has challenged me this week is finding the rules you need to play softball, also remembering those rules.
I think that my team works well together and there communication comes easily.
Something that I enjoy about P.E is that it gets your heart beating and I get very happy because I love physical activities.
Today for P.E we were practising our drills and warm ups that we had written down on a template that we share with our group.
Some of our warm ups were:
- Star Jumps
- Lunges
- Running on the stop etc
What we did for our drill was we passed and caught the ball to help improve our passing and catching so we can get better to help us with the passing and catching part in softball.
I found we did this very well.
Thank You for treading this blogpost :)
I am a student at in Uru Mānuka. In 2020 I was a year 8 and in 2021 I will be a year 9. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note....some work won't be edited - just my first drafts, so there may be some surface errors. I would love your feedback, comments, thoughts and ideas.
Thursday, 29 August 2019
Wednesday, 28 August 2019
All Blacks
Hello fellow readers and welcome to another blog post today I am blogging about the All Blacks for today's activity we watched a video from Anton Lienert- Brown from the All blacks. He told us that he had heard about us making a video, poster etc showing our love and support to the all blacks world cup.
Here is the video he sent us.
How does learning impact the community.
It helps us to share our opinions and it impacts our community by ...
It can help us to share our learning so others can gain information on a certain subject to help improve theirs.
Also to help them learn about things that happen in your school that they don't do in theirs.
Here is the video he sent us.
It helps us to share our opinions and it impacts our community by ...
It can help us to share our learning so others can gain information on a certain subject to help improve theirs.
Also to help them learn about things that happen in your school that they don't do in theirs.
All Blacks
Wednesday, 21 August 2019
To The All Blacks
To all who love the All Blacks this video was to help support the All Blacks when they play for the world cup we did this as a task for C.I.P ..........WE LOVE THE ALL BLACKS!!!!!
Here is Me, Hayley and Felicity's video....
Hope you enjoyed,
We kept the bloopers in the video to make the video humorous and show that everyone makes mistakes you just need to work on them.
Here is Me, Hayley and Felicity's video....
We kept the bloopers in the video to make the video humorous and show that everyone makes mistakes you just need to work on them.
All Blacks
The All Blacks
Hello fellow readers for today's task in C.I.P we had to find information out about the All blacks and put this information into a google drawing that our teachers had shared with us.
Here is my D.L.O...
Do you have any other facts I could include ??
Here is my D.L.O...
Do you have any other facts I could include ??
All Blacks,
Tuesday, 13 August 2019
Hurumanu .......Science Changing our Future
What places will be effected?
New Zealand and the Pacific Islands.
What else do we need to think about?
What other places around NZ will be affected?
Coastal areas around New Zealand.
What does this do to our drinking water?
Put's salt in the drinking water.
What are the main concerns?
- Flooding.
- Erosion.
What can we do?
- Less meat consumption.
- Electric cars
- Less plastic
What is the one, silver bullet solution?
There is no silver bullet.
What is the mix of things we need to start doing?
- Stop burning fossil fuels and stop putting CO2 into our atmosphere.
- Move towards electric cars that don't use fossil fuels.
- Renewable fuels.
What are 3 others you can think of?
- Less meat consumption.
- Recycle.
- Using less plastic.
My Investigation
Where does our food come from?
- Choose your favourite food.
1. Upload a picture of it.

2. Draw a picture of it on A4.
On your blog answer the following questions.
- Where does the food come from (e.g. is it from another province or country, was it purchased or made locally)?
- It is naturally from New Zealand.
- How many kilometres away did the food travel to get to you?
I don't know..
- What are the main ingredients?
Lettuce.... Meat......tomato.....gherkins......sauce.....cheese.??
- How is the food packaged?
In a paper wrap
- What resources do you need to produce this food item (e.g. land, water, oil, food, etc.)?
- Plant....... Water.......Ingredients....?
- Would this item have been processed?
Most probably yes!!
- Is there anything unique or significant about the food item (e.g. fair-trade, local)?
Yes the taste is delicious and there is heaps of nutritious value.
- What else do you notice about this food that affects its climate friendliness?
- It has heaps of meat in it.
- Do you think this food is climate friendly (Circle)? YES NO
- Why?
- Because there is heaps of meat in the burger.
- If no, what would be a better alternative?
- Vegetarian burger !! or less meat
Monday, 12 August 2019
Learning Story Conference
Hello fellow bloggers for today's blog post we are going to be talking about my learning conference all of today I have shared my learning in every subject on a slideshow I found it great because it helped me to express my opinion on every subject......
Here is my slideshow......
Hope you enjoy !!
Here is my slideshow......
Hope you enjoy !!
Learning Conference
Manaakitanga Film
Hola bloggers and welcome back to another blog post for today's blog post we are going to be talking about Me Kya and Meleana's manaakitanga film.
For the past term we have been having art as a subject, for art we have been making manaakitanga films the mini movie had to be at least 30 seconds long, for our film we decided to go off and be different with our theme and instead we decided to base our manaakitanga film on my animation slide show called cool to be kind.(also on my blog)
In order to make this film we had to create our drawings go onto stop motion and capture these drawings then we had to go onto screencastify and do a voice over for our stop motion video.
Here is our film.....
For the past term we have been having art as a subject, for art we have been making manaakitanga films the mini movie had to be at least 30 seconds long, for our film we decided to go off and be different with our theme and instead we decided to base our manaakitanga film on my animation slide show called cool to be kind.(also on my blog)
In order to make this film we had to create our drawings go onto stop motion and capture these drawings then we had to go onto screencastify and do a voice over for our stop motion video.
Here is our film.....
Friday, 9 August 2019
Hurumanu.....Changing Our Future
Aim; To look at the different ways we can prevent climate change in the future.
Changing Our Future
What is the cost?
Carbon Dioxide.
The CO2 level has soured since when?
The Industrial Revolution.
What are the effects in the UK?
- Heat waves.
- Animal Extinction.
- Humans will die
How many climate refugees will there be in Britain by 2050?
200 million
When will Fairbourne be flooded?
In the next 26 years Fairbourne will be flooded.
What are some of the other things that will be 'swallowed by the waves'?
- Toxic Dumps
- Gas Plants
- Power stations
- Villages
- Replacing gas boilers.
- Bus' / Car's need to use hydrogen or batteries.
- Fly less.
- Cut back on meat consumption.
What ideas are school children having about climate change?
- To Vote.
- To protest against the government.
- Write letters to persuade the government.
What is the atmosphere called?
a Waste Dump.
What is the last statement the reporter made?
We know what we need to do, we have got the technology. What we lack is the
Political will.
What can we do?
- Replacing gas boilers.
- Bus' / Car's need to use hydrogen or batteries.
- Fly less.
- Cut back on meat consumption.
What is the one, silver bullet solution?
Stop polluting our earth.
What is the mix of things we need to start doing?
- Reducing our meat consumption's.
- Stop using and creating carbon dioxide so much.
- Protest against the people who think we are wrong.
What are 3 others you can think of?
Activity: Ranking climate change issues.
Using the worksheet, rank the issues from climate change.
Aim: To look at how I can prevent climate change in the future.
1. Complete the activity Ecological Handprint.2. Complete the activity Carbon Footprint.
Wednesday, 7 August 2019
What They Do For Us
Hello Readers today we will be talking about Kids Can and what they do to help New Zealand our task for today was making a D.L.O about what Kids Can does for us since we are donating the money to them from 8 August mufti day so we are writing a post about what they are going to do with the money.
This is the poster that I made giving the information about Kids Can ........
This is the poster that I made giving the information about Kids Can ........
Radical Rainbow ( Mufti Day )
Hello Fellow Readers and welcome to another blog post about C.I.P for C.I.P last week we planned out a mufti day, to plan out this mufti day we got given a piece of paper and on this piece of paper we had to write as many mufti ideas we possibly could. After this we had to sit on the mat and share ideas with the class. Once we had done this we voted on which mufti theme we wanted... Nearly all of us chose radical rainbow which is how we chose the theme.
Finally we were given a piece of paper with some writing on it and we had to decorate the piece of paper with colours and information, the things that we had to include in this poster were a gold coin donation for kids can and what day it was happening. Something that will make a mufti day successful is heaps of planning and plenty of information given to the students about the mufti day. This is spreading kindness to our community by giving them smiles because who doesn't smile when you see a rainbow. :) (=>.<=)
... This is the poster that I created...
Finally we were given a piece of paper with some writing on it and we had to decorate the piece of paper with colours and information, the things that we had to include in this poster were a gold coin donation for kids can and what day it was happening. Something that will make a mufti day successful is heaps of planning and plenty of information given to the students about the mufti day. This is spreading kindness to our community by giving them smiles because who doesn't smile when you see a rainbow. :) (=>.<=)
... This is the poster that I created...
This is my poster for this I may have gone a bit too far with the drawings but I wanted to make the poster more interesting I hope you enjoyed looking at my poster have a lovely day :)
Tuesday, 6 August 2019
Renewable Energy
Aim: To compare the amount of gas that is produced from different types of biomass.
- Horse Manure
- Bottle
- Mashed Banana
- Vegetable peelings
- Balloon
- Sellotape
- Get 1 cup of Horse Manure and push it into each bottle.
- Push other ingredients into the bottle fill about 3/4 of the way with water.
- put glove and cup in bin and wash hands.

What is biomass?
The total quantity of weight in a certain area or volume.
What are the 5 types of biomass?
What are the 5 types of biomass?
- Wood
- Solid Waste
- Landfill gas and biomass
- Alcohol fuels
- Bio gas
What are three benefits of biomass?
- Renewable Source Of Energy.
- It Is Carbon Neutral.
- Less expensive than fossil fuels.
What are three disadvantages of biomass?
- Biomass energy is not as efficient as fossil fuels
- It is not entirely clean
- Biomass plants require a lot of space.
Research the following types of Biomass.
You will need to:
You will need to:
Write a definition of the each fuel.
Answer each question
- How is it made?
- What is it used for?
- Where is it made?
- What is it made with?
- What countries use it?
Place 2 images of the fuel.
What are its uses in the future?
What are its uses in the future?
Biomass types.
Name: Agricultural crops.
What are its uses in the future?
Name: Animal waste.
What are its uses in the future?
Name: Bio-gas and Landfill gas
What are its uses in the future?
What are its uses in the future?
Name: Solid waste
What are its uses in the future?
What are its uses in the future?
Name: Alcohol Fuel
What are its uses in the future?
What are its uses in the future?
Hurumanu.....The Zero Waste Climate Solution
Hello Fellow readers and welcome to another blog post about science today we watched a 7 minute video called The Zero Waste Climate Solution and got our answers from their here is my work.
Aim: To learn practical ways of recycling so that we can make our world a better place.
Video questions:
What has human activity done to our planet?
It has made a unnatural form of greenhouse gasses.
What is Zero Waste?
What is Zero Waste?
One of the quickest and cheapest ways a community can immediately reduce climate impact.
What stuff has a carbon footprint?
Some of the things that have carbon footprints are :
Some of the things that have carbon footprints are :
Phones, cars, bottles etc.
What are 4 easy things to help our planet?
What does methane gas do to our planet?
It traps a lot more sunlight it traps 84x more potent than Co2 over the short term.
- Reduce
- Redesign
- Reuse
- Repair
What do we need to recycle?
- Cans
- Bottles
- Glass
- Plastic
What does recycling do to our planet?
The thing that recycling does to our planet is it reduce Co2 Emissions.
How much of our rubbish is made up of food scraps?
50% of compostable materials.
What does methane gas do to our planet?
It traps a lot more sunlight it traps 84x more potent than Co2 over the short term.
What does soil do to carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?
It pulls carbon down from the atmosphere.
What do using zero waste practices do to our planet?
To lower Co2 Emissions and to reuse more trash and reduce more trash.
It pulls carbon down from the atmosphere.
What do using zero waste practices do to our planet?
To lower Co2 Emissions and to reuse more trash and reduce more trash.
What is a carbon footprint?
What is your Carbon Footprint?
You are now going to look at your own carbon footprint by taking a questionnaire. Remember to 'Add details to improve accuracy'.
Based on the questionnaire what is your:
1. Ecological Footprint
2. Carbon Footprint
How many planets did you have?
2.8 planets
Hope you enjoyed :)
Climate Change,
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